WHENEVER WE PLAY SCRABBLE, the first word, usually the only word that is ever played with the letter “X” is, of course, “X-Ray.” It’s a great word—very mysterious. So mysterious, in fact, scientists could only come up with the letter “X” to describe it. In fact, my father told me once about a promotional machine installed in his shoe store back in the late 1930s or early 1940s that was an actual x-ray machine. Customers simply slid their foot under the machine, pushed the button and looked down at the screen. Voila! You could see the bones in your feet!
Well, that little cancer causing monstrosity was quietly pulled off the market the following year for causing tumors in people (
imagine that!). And who wouldn’t want to wash their hands with x-ray soap or smoke radium cigarettes? I know
I would.
In honor of misguided marketing names and the innocence of science, enjoy these few vintage products from the dawn of the nuclear age.
Life was a blast when only we had the bomb. ;-)
I love your blog. It is so original and interesting WOW!
I remember the x-ray machines from Poll Parrot kids' shoe stores in the 1950's. You would put on the shoes and stick your feet in the machine to see if they fit.
My first job -- I was 12 or so -- was delivering flyers for the local Poll Parrot shoe store. I would go into the store to pick up the flyers or get my pay, and while I was waiting for the owner, I'd spend the time -- lot of time -- looking at my feet in the machine.
Probably explains a lot about me.
Anyway, you should check out the Poll Parrot Shoe stuff.
Mmm I'd love to polish my furniture with some x-rays.
Thanks all for your comments. And to you, Muggles— yessir, that is what I am talking about. Maybe it was the 1950s. I was pretty sure it was the earliest years of my dad's time as a "shoe dog," as he called it.
Check to be sure you have grown an extra toe— and get back to me. I'l;l check out Poll Parrot.
Nope, just the normal seven.
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