BACK IN THE 1930s, PEOPLE THOUGHT ANYTHING WAS POSSIBLE. And as we can well witness, we have come a long way. Ski masks, portable radios and automatic cameras—all done—thanks to these visionary inventors of things to come.
Via Bored Panda.
a blog about photography, design, art, architecture, ephemera, found objects, pop culture, anonymous, outsider art, folk art, self-taught art, illustration, beauty, esoterica, auctions, discovery, art environments, mystery, vintage stuff and the magic that can be found in everyday things.
Wow, the first two look like the Spy characters from Mad magazine. The second guy looks like the old Mister Machine toy. As to the third one...camera gun. I fear that a future upgrade of cell phones might include this.
first two were nicked from
[maybe 3rd as well]
bad panda!!!
yeap,third as well/all from their inventions set,and all public domain,no ugly watermark!!!
I enjoyed viewing the mad inventions, thank you. I didn't enjoy the point scoring from sillyjane [sic]. Ho Hum! I always enjoy visiting accidental mysteries.
I always try to give credit where credit is due— link back and show sources. Sometimes I miss, sometimes I screw up. It's a big old wide universe out there and so if I tap something from Bored Panda and they have wrongly watermarked it as their "own" (which is not cool) then I have no way of knowing. I think billyjane is just pointing that out. Peace, love and share.... John
Yeah, point a camera gun at someone on the street is a GREAT way to get a "average, normal reaction." Wha?! Thanks for the laughs.
Yeap,I know that you always credit your sources and that you couldn't know about the real source [unless you're a flickr friend with national archief;] I just couldn't believe that someone would blatantly put their watermark on stuff that's public domain,that's so wrong,that's all...
I hear you billyjane-- to put their logo on someone else's stuff—is a bad practice!
Point taken, everyone. Love and peace!
hey john,
agree with tattered and lost that the first two look like mad mag's spy vs. spy --
seriously someone would wear this stuff?? they're almost as bad as the elizabethan collars we sometimes have to put on our poor pets!
The face protectors remind me of the stomach "tubes of intention" in the cult classic Donnie Darko.
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