I LIKE SNAKES. WELL, SORT OF. I am fascinated and slightly scared of them because of their reputation as slithery, poisonous or evil things. Ninety-nine percent of any story about a snake is not good. But graphically—snakes are incredible! Few creatures in the natural world give you more of an opportunity to energize a space than a snake.
Here are two examples of snakes used commercially because of their expressive form. The first is a 19th century lithographed game board which recently sold for $232.00 on eBay; and the second, a pair of 19th century iron door hinges shaped into the form of a snake. S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s!!!! Both from eBay!
reminds me of a game i used to play as a kid called snakes and ladders.......
tres cool!
John: It's probably not the first time but I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger Award.
Thanks SpecterGirl! You are sweet to do so!
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