ONE OF ST. LOUIS’ MOST TREASURED ARTISTS SEEMED HAPPY TO BE EXHIBITING HER WORK at COCA (Center of Creative Arts) in St. Louis the other night. Her show, entitled “Present to Past,” included works past and present to an excited audience of fans. Those familiar with Keith’s work know they are dealing with imagery that comes at you from two diametrically different places—one place being that of nostalgia, innocence and the other being that of a darker world. Keith puts these things together in the same bed, so to speak (Keith often paints on old mattresses)—in a way that takes the viewer into a slightly uncomfortable dialogue with the image. Cloaked in nostalgia and a retro feel—the world of Kit Keith creates portraits of individuals who carry baggage the viewer may not want to know about.
Take the painting on mattress entitled “Uncle,” for instance. Depicted here is a jolly man—an “uncle” by title. Smiling and rotund, he’s a nice enough man all right. But look at him long enough and “Uncle” just might be your worst nightmare—the pedophile in the clown suit. Keith’s work creates just enough discomfort to make the viewer feel there is something more—a psychological dark spot where the American dream is slightly awry.
Don’t be fooled by Keith’s “awkward” drawing style. Keith is sure-handed in what she depicts. Her style is solid, uniquely hers, and is never forced to comply with the constricting rules of draftsmanship. And that is the very thing which makes Keith great—she is adept at “her way”of presenting the world.
From her press release: “Kit Keith grew up the daughter of a father who was a sign painter and a mother who had a deep appreciation of antiques. Her parents’ influence is clearly evident in her work as she paints over thrift store paintings, old magazines, advertisements and other ephemera from the past. She is inspired by “beautiful illustrations” and a time when “everything was done by hand” when the convenience of a computer font was unimaginable. Her iconic portraits of elegant, wistful, figures carefully placed on old maps, ledgers and discarded papers are stoic yet emotive with a story behind each one.”
This exhibition covers over twenty years of Keith’s unique vision. The exhibition continues through July 19, 2009.
Learn more about Kit Keith, her life with the trapeze and more on her Web site here.
Wonderful Images...Gary
nice post... it looks like i narrowly missed being in one of the gallery views...
-- tony
Just goes to show you . . . the Midwest's Got Talent.
an incredible collection. i particularly love in a quite intense and needful way, the jar.
thank you for posts like these. i have been following your blog for some time and quite adore it.
Very nice. I was sorry to have missed the opening.
I love Kit's work. We share an affinity for old things, especially old ephemera.
Kit, you are loved and missed in Greenpoint. Call me!
great art work!!!
saludos desde argentina
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