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I WENT THROUGH MY COLLECTION THE OTHER DAY AND FOUND THESE INCREDIBLE women. I think all the images are beautiful, in their own special, odd and quirky way. Just thought it would be fun to post these today.*
*Blogger has rules about posting images that might be offensive. If you are offended by any of these images above or even the nature of this post in general, please let me know (privately, if you wish) and I will remove it immediately.
Wild Moment looks like the star of a reality TV show and Don't Forget My Cigs is beautiful in her own special way; she looks like a caricature of herself.
The pearl shot is really lovely.
The asylum shot looks like a doll or mannequin that's being dressed. The window dresser has taken their lunch break and left her standing in the window alone.
And the first one reminds me very much of Ronnie Spector of the Ronettes.
But are you sure the first one is not really a man?
Maureen! Ha! No, I never considered that but that's something to consider. :)
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