(Above) Official caption: Bread's better ’cause it’s fresher in cellophane (1954)
My caption: “…and after we eat this Darlene, we’ll go kill your father!”

(Above) Pillsbury Cake Mixes, 1954
My caption: “…we eat this, in remembrance of the father, the son, and the Pillsbury dough boy.”

(Above) Baked Ham; National Restaurant Association Magazine, 1957
My caption: “Remember Pippi, we only look at the food. We NE-VER touch it.”

(Above) Post-Toasties, 1958
My caption: “Watch his little expression change when he finds out there’s NO prize at the bottom of the box.”

(Above) Stokely Van Kamp, 1953
My caption: [announcer VO ] “Hey Kids! When Chucky’s not killing grown-ups, he eats Van Kamp’s TENDERONI!”
I came across some very ODD 1950s ads on a website called Plan 59. Plan 59 is a group with a web site out of Fairfax, VA that sells hi-res images from the 1940s and 50s for varied, re-purposed advertising, editorial or personal uses today. So, here are a few key selections for you to enjoy.
Reposted from December 28, 2008.
Reposted from December 28, 2008.
I agree with Jo....... :)
I love it. These are all like advertisements trying to prove that these kids really love this food.
And the kids are really trying hard to prove they like the food, when they probably couldn't care less.
Is the lesson that when you act like you like something, you probably just look a little creepy to the person you're trying to impress?
Schön, wieder in deinem Blog zu sein, es war Monate für mich. Nun dieser Artikel, dass ich schon so lange gewartet habe. Ich brauche diesen Artikel, um meine Aufgabe in der Schule abzuschließen, und es hat das gleiche Thema mit Ihrem Artikel. Danke, großer Anteil!
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