The Birth

Stump Baby and Nurse Sue

Goodbye Bear and Grey Animal

Rosie’s Tea Party

The Ringmaster

So here I am, sitting here listening to the great Tom Waits sing “Chocolate Jesus” and I start thinking about the painter Mark Ryden. Ryden lives in California (natch!) and his imagery emerges and takes shape from his love of fables, deities, gods, fairy tales, innocence gone bad, truth and falsehoods, 1950s Dick and Jane, dead presidents, bees, dolls, candy, monkeys, big-eyed kids from hell, big-eyed kids from heaven, Tiki culture, Shoney’s Big Boy, puppies, prehistoric stuff, devils, angels, wood nymphs, blood, meat (a whole story in itself) dreams, nightmares, numerology, pop culture, rock stars, religions and other alternate realities. See why Ryden is a god:;
Ryden’s work is represented by Michael Kohn Gallery in Los Angeles and Porterhouse Fine Art Editions in Denver. All work is © Mark Ryden.
An AM repost from 12/04/08
An AM repost from 12/04/08
I adore your blog! Mark Ryden's work is funky and fine, and how I wish I owned "Rosie's Tea Party". Loretta Lux's children with the captivating eyes will be on my watch list. I shall return!
What a stunning culture blog! It´s very inspiring! I follow you from now.
Please have a look at my photo-realistic paintings at:
Best regards - Lars
Your post title is quite accurate. I love Ryden's work. I have his book The Tree Show open all the time, especially to Allegory of the Four Elements.
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