2005 Archival digital prints on 24” wide rolls
Site specific installations from found snapshot images

(Click any image for larger view)

(Site Installation at Nathan Larramendy Gallery)

(Installation at San Jose Institute for Contemporary Art)

2007 Archival digital prints on 24” wide rolls
Site specific installations from found snapshot images
Cassandra Jones says of this series: “Rara Avis is a series of works composed of found snapshot photographs of real pink flamingos that are discernibly reminiscent of their retro plastic counter-part, the lawn ornament. I have found that one of the most common snapshots taken of a wading flamingo, indeed, to be the profile of the bird’s long, soft, curved neck and down-bent bill. This particular collection of photographs led me to wonder, is it possible that an item of now historical kitsch might influence the picture taking of the real, live thing? After all, Americans are much more familiar with the nature of the stylized, florescent version, than the actual bird itself.”

Composition #4, 2007
Archival C-print made from found snapshot photographs
Ed. 2
Size 24” x 36”
(Click any image for larger view)

Composition #4, 2007 (detail)
(Click any image for larger view)

Composition #2, 2007
Archival C-print made from found snapshot photographs
Ed. 2
Size 24” x 36”

Composition #2, 2007
CASSANDRA JONES MAY BECOME ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ARTISTS OF THE DECADE. Her artwork is intelligent and right for the times. Quite frankly, I have been waiting for an artist to come along who could find the right key to help define the massive proliferation of digital images there are floating amongst the internet. Cassandra Jones may be the one.
Take a sunset, for example. Jones asks: “does there really need to be another photograph taken of a sunset?” She’s exactly right. Don’t we have enough already? Jones quotes writer Susan Sontag who said, in effect, that “photographs of sunsets are cheesy because they have been photographed so many times.” How true. Cassandra Jones has taken the very subject of sunsets (please watch video) and extrapolated that to create a new interpretation of what it means to see “a sunset.”
Her Rare Avis series are equally compelling. These “invented” botanical specimens are created by using manipulated “found” images of pink flamingos, another kitsch symbol as trite as the sunsets she has used in the past.
You’ll see what I mean by all of this if you watch Cassandra’s video, which was done for the incredible web site BoingBoing.
Learn more about Cassandra C. Jones on her Web site here.
This really reminds me of the nonsense botany illustrations of Edward Lear in 'The Book of Bosh' as seen in the link below:
Really nice stuff :)
Ditto what I said last week about artists and inspiration, this is mind-boggling.
Amazing and wonderful artist!
Wow; I could so see myself wallpapering a wall in my space with any of these. I love them (& your site - it points me to art I never would've found on my own).
esta increibleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee se va pa´ mi blog right NOW11111 LLLLLLLLLLL
Beautiful... lovely post!
Silvia K.
What a great talent...Gary
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