OK, CHECK THIS OUT. THE CITY OF NEW YORK HAS BEEN PINPOINTING THE EXACT LOCATION OF MURDERS IN THEIR 5 BOROUGHS since 2003. The map above shows all the murders since that time, and what is even more informational is that they have posted an interactive map online. There, you can mouse over any dot and see:
(1) Month and time of day of murder (2) Race and ethnicity of victim (3) Race and ethnicity of perpetrator (4) Sex of victim (5) Sex of perpetrator (6) Age of victim (7) Age of perpetrator (8) Weapon used
Since 2003, 3,402 murders have occurred in the five boroughs of Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. And since this is powered by Google Earth, you can zoom into to the very streets where the crimes occurred. Interestingly, but not unexpected— most murders occur at night and the summer months record the most murders.
Click here to see the interactive map.
For a little morbid fun, I have posted some vintage crime scene photos by the great Weegee, who shot his photos in New York City during the 1940s and 50s.
All photos by Weegee (Arthur Fellig) are © The Weegee Estate.
Hi, John,
First time visitor. Just wanted to let you know I'd been here and that I really like what you're doing. Loads of great stuff to look at and think about. Very cool!
Gruesome. Factual, but gruesome.
Hey Christopher! Glad to see you on the site. I try hard to mix it up—all withing the confines of my site's focus. My goal is to never waste anyone's time (though I am afraid I fail at times). But I do post everyday— rain or shine. Sign on as a follower— and keep dropping in.
I have an original of that book, Naked City! Gorgeous prints, real ink on paper :)
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