Sunday, March 20, 2011

Altered States

(Above) Untitled (Wild purple face with Bible and rosary), 2004-05; 7 x 5 inches
(Above) Untitled (Baby in woman's arms looking at 2 funny looking women), 2004-05;
3-1/2 x 4 inches
(Above) Untitled (Dangerous boy with soccer ball), 2004-05; 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches
(Above) Untitled (The unexpected meal), 2004-05; 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches
(Above) Untitled (A scary playmate), 2004-05; 3 x 4 inches

PHILIPPE JUSFORGUES is a 40-year old French artist represented by several galleries in the United States, including the Stephen Daiter Gallery in Chicago and the Morehouse Gallery in Brookline, MA. Philippe is a master at transforming found photographs into something surreal, sometimes bizarre, or comical. His work extends deeper than this series of 5, so if you are interested, more can be found on his website by clicking here. Brush up on your French!

The images above from The Morehouse Gallery, are one of a kind and range in price from $800 to $1,000 dollars each (as available).

Reposted from 2009.


Unknown said...

I agree with what 珊珊李 said

Anonymous said...

Génial ! Stéphane, Paris

MamaM said...

They represent my vision of Hell.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link... I will follow, peruse, and return later to comb through your inspired collection of treasure posted.

Cup O Swank Studio said...

I love these. I love the way they look. They're so visually startling and creepy and oddly funny all at the same time.

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