Two years ago I spent a few days in Brooklyn, NY on business. At the end of my visit, I was in a cab on my way to the airport when I spotted a simple, black and white sign for a yoga center. I wasn't able to photograph it, but I have never forgotten it for it’s simple and economical way of communicating what they do. I recreated it for you today from the font Futura, which to my recollection is closest to the font as I remember it. I really do not know if this is an original idea, or if it was ripped off from someone else’s ingenuity or from a back issue of Print Magazine, but it stuck in my brain permanently as wonderful. As the sign quickly passed my vision, I remember smiling and thinking, "Bravo!"
1 comment:
those are all good things to embrace. .
-Jane B. of Impression Emedia
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