SCOTT FERGUSON IS ONE OF THOSE PHOTOGRAPHERS WHO SAYS “IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, I CAN MAKE IT.” Like a Hollywood producer who brings dreams to life, Ferguson has a natural gift for the theatrical. Let’s say you suggest something easy— like “a fantastic flying machine made of cobbled together bicycles cruising 100 feet over a farm field—populated by 8 actual chefs from local restaurants.” Scott will figure out the scenario, find the props, shoot the chefs, and with a Photoshop file over 100 layers deep, methodically make it happen. You could call Scott the man behind the curtain—the guy behind the scenes pulling the levers and adjusting the dials to give the tin man a heart, the lion his courage, the scarecrow a brain and Dorothy a ride back to Kansas. All in a day’s work.
At the same time, Ferguson is an equally gifted straight photographer who can capture your true personality or maybe the person you’d just like to be. If you’re quirky and fun, he’ll find it. If you are tough, he might make you tougher. And videos? His work is sensitively done, revealing a blend of his talented eye with thoughtful composition and perfect pacing.
With nearly 25 years of experience, Scott Ferguson has captured tons of awards and worked with art directors all over the United States. You can see more of his work at FK Photo. Or email his rep Teenuh at teenuh(at)fosterreps.com.
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