
Monday, September 24, 2012

Norman Rockwell Reference Material

Images © Copyright Norman Rockwell Museum; Click images for larger view.

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Images © Copyright Norman Rockwell Museum
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ALMOST EVERY ILLUSTRATOR I HAVE EVER KNOWN USES SOURCE MATERIAL for reference. Norman Rockwell used his own original photographs to help guide his famous illustrations, which are part of the American fabric we know today. Sure, Rockwell’s “America” was romanticized, but that’s what he did. There were plenty of others out there (the WPA photographers, for example) who showed the gritty side of America.

Rockwell used photographs as a starting point. Sometimes he was very faithful to the picture, and other times he just used pieces. Norman Rockwell was an American original.

Via PDN.
All images © Copyright Norman Rockwell Museum.


  1. Wish you a very happy 2010, may all your dreams, hopes and wishes come true.

    Loved the barbershop picture, somehow that really caught my eye.

    Thank you.

  2. Thank you Elizabeth, sweet of you to take the time to even care. May the same thoughts go your way as well for the next year. :)

  3. Not too proud to say I really like some of his work.

  4. I agree Maureen, how can one not like N.R.'s work if they have a complete understanding of the history of American illustration... whether someone "likes" his subject matter is not even relevant. What he did, who he inspired... for his time, was second to none.

  5. Interesting topic. A recent vacation to Vermont lead to a visit at a Rockwell mini museum. Run by the son of one of Rockwell's models. I've been thinking about someone that I know who owns a signed print.
