
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Womb with a View

(Above) Baby elephant in womb.

(Above) Baby dolphin.
(Above) Baby shark. Yikes!
(Above) Baby penguin in egg.
(Above) Baby penguin #2.
(Above) Baby penguin #3.

(Above) Puppy in womb.
(Above) Puppy in womb, #2.
(Above) Puppy in womb, #3.
(Above) Puppy in womb, #4.
(Above) Puppy in womb, #5.

CHECK OUT THESE INCREDIBLE EMBRYONIC ANIMAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF dolphins, dogs, sharks, penguins and elephants. They are previews are from a new National Geographic documentary called “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb.” The producer of the show, David Chin, used a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras to capture the process from conception to birth. Amazing!

Via ThisBlogRules.


  1. Beautiful, heartbreaking. Can't decide which is the most moving, maybe the elephant. Surprised the puppy was so solitary, thought they always come in litters.

  2. Maybe these fetuses were "grown" especially for the photographs.... hence one puppy instead of a litter.

  3. i've just found your blog (and website) today. they're both a pure delight! thank you!

  4. Oh, my goodness. Breathtaking photographs! I am surprised by the amount of fur on the puppies!
