
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Twins, Triplets, Death and Kidnappings

(Above) Baby born 16.3 pounds and 2 feet tall. Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) This Dorothea Lange-style photo shows the 11 member Cleveland Piper family. Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) 15-year old wife of a farmer. Uh-h, I thought this was against the law? Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) S.P. Dinsmore, creator of The Garden of Eden in Lucas, Kansas. Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) Mrs. Henry Bates looks none too happy. Click on image for a larger view.
(Above) Baby drug addict. Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) Killed by Reds! Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) Really creepy (and sad). Click on image for a larger view.

(Above) I can only hope that Mr. and Mrs. Riley went to jail.
Click on image for a larger view.

A YEAR OR SO AGO, DAVID RUHLMAN, A FELLOW BLOGGER, CONTACTED ME TO SEE WHAT I THOUGHT ABOUT HIS RECENT DISCOVERY of a scrapbook of old newspaper clippings. David told me that he was searching antique/thift stores in Salt Lake City and at one store came across a folder that was filled with newspaper clippings. There wasn’t any information about the previous owner, but the folder contained about 40-45 articles cut from newspapers. What was unusual about the clips were that almost all of them were about twins, triplets, death and kidnappings—an odd menagerie of characters—victims of crime, underage mothers and being born a twin or triplet. Weird!

In looking at his wonderful site, called The Earth Is a Secret Knot, I was more than surprised to spot a clipping about S.P. Dinsmore, the creator of the Lucas, Kansas art environment called The Garden of Eden. At the time this photo was taken, Dinsmore was 88 years old and his wife was 27. The news clipping shows there were at least two young children from this marriage, and this was long before Viagra.

The headlines and subject matter of these clippings are wonderfully surreal—which gives it the perfect pedigree for Accidental Mysteries.


  1. the 15 year old with newborn triplets AND a 10-month old!!! wow.

  2. Bizarre and fascinating and vaguely horrifying....

  3. The Rileys served a scant two years in prison. They claimed little Edith was abnormal, and would have better treatment in a windowless closet at home than in an institution. Her big brother blew the whistle, and a maternal uncle sought custody of both children. Such a haunting face.

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  5. I think the tipoff is that some articles are in German. The Nazis were fascinated by twins, triplets, human anomalies, etc. There were many experiments made on twins and triplets, etc. at the death camps. If you Google the subject you will find more info. Something tells me whoever owned this macabre book was a Nazi sympathizer or at the least believed in their racial theories.

  6. I am speechless. These are some amazing articles, scary and interesting at the same time, I guess human nature will never cease to amaze us. I feel sorry for the unfortunate children on some of these articles; I can’t imagine a reason for someone to treat a child so cruel.

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