Friday, February 5, 2010

The Hyped Up Realism of Oleg Dou

Click on any image for a larger view.

Click on any image for a larger view.

Click on any image for a larger view.

OLEG DOU IS A RUSSIAN PHOTOGRAPHER who pushes photoshop to it’s limits. He starts with a photographic portrait, then goes to work. Enlarging and moving the eyes, chaning skin tones—his is an art that closely resembles the digital work found in a movie like James Cameron’s Avatar. It’s real—no it’s not—yes it is! There is a cold, unhuman-like quality to Dou’s work, which is exactly what he wants to achieve. Zombie-like synthetic androids.... this is what mankind’s scientists would end up with if we ever started building humans from DNA. We’d get these “people” — synthetic children for childless couples; sex partners for those willing to go there; soldiers to fight our battles; spouses for those people who prefer someone who will do exactly as they say. Oleg Dou is a master craftsman, an artist making a statement. Is it working? Are these highly-smoothed and manipulated portraits doing something new? Or, is technology leading the horse? You tell me.

What do you think folks?

Check out his site here.


Pablo Muñoz de Arenillas said...

I love the portrait series is wonderful!

A greeting

Maureen said...

All female and with no eyebrows.

Ngan {eNVe Designs} said...

so haunting yet gorgeous!

eubie said...

The beauty lies not in what is there but what it calls to mind that is absent - the textures and marks of living and life.

This takes the notion of beauty to its extreme abstraction and creates emptiness that is eerie. Perfect for the "faceless" members of a society perhaps, but would you want them as family?

Looking at them raises questions about what we appreciate as beauty.

Som's Studio said...

I have never seen anything like this before, thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...

you have an interesting collection.

Anonymous said...

Just amazing...Gary

Doryen said...

Strangely Dark: The Hyped Up Realism of Oleg Dou

Anonymous said...

Amazing blog post it is thank you so much!!!

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