I STARTED OUT THIS MORNING INTENT ON DOING A POST about the Chinese artist Liu Bolin. Now, midstream in my research, I realize that I cannot do a post just on him without attempting to put what he does into some sort of context. What does the idea of camouflage mean? How has it been used and how did the process become co-joined with art? Without question, Bolin’s art is powerful stuff, but I will attempt to explore the whole idea of camouflage and how his art fits into the idea of transformation.
Liu Bolin’s art is about camouflaging himself as a means of political protest in his own country. His political protest against the Chinese government is a statement against repression (the authorities shut down his studio in 2005). He has written that, in nature, many animals, insects and creatures have the ability to alter and adapt their physical appearance to their surroundings. This is a defensive measure to protect themselves from predators.
Chinese artist Liu Bolin desires to survive in a country that is a predator to him. Creatively, he is saying, “I must blend in to survive, I cannot be different.” His art is telling the western world about the repressive state in which he attempts to survive.
As an artistic statement, you have two things at work here. One, is the actual process and performance of creating the illusion. That in itself must be carefully orchestrated for the next and most important part—the photograph. In the end, it is the photograph that carries the weight of the process.
At the same time, Emma Hack is a talented Australian make up artist, stylist, hairdresser and artist who paints on the human body. No political statement here—just a way to work with fashion directors in a new, creative and fun way. Visually, the viewer must take extra care to disentangle the human being from the surroundings.
And, Dutch artist Desiree Palmen, is doing a thing that is quite akin to Liu Bolin’s art—except her art has more to do with being unseen and undetected. Palmen’s prior study was involved in biology and geology—so her work stems from her understanding of the natural world.
Mankind, on the other hand, even with his superior intellect—cannot alter his appearance naturally without creating a new physical covering of some kind (like ordinary hunting camouflage, etc.) And therein lies the connection between these images. With man, camouflage is an artificial thing, something brought in and applied. With nature, it just is.
“We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting.” Optimus Prime, from the film “Transformers.”
Very cool post! It pays to take time and be observant.
great stuff i love your blog
A post on dazzle camouflage would be a great follow up!!
its amazing of how the same work of art means different things to different people, in china it was a political statement and elsewhere it is a normal artwork!... its like love, it means different things to different poeple
Thanks everyone... Dazzle Camouflage, hmmmm, I will look it up. Thanks Professor!
Oh my goodness!
You have such amazing stuff on here--I just love reading about these oddities that you have curated.
I can't believe that the woman was in Playboy?!? So artsy!
I love the pictures of the camouflaged woman with the animals, they are so beautiful. The political statements made through camouflage are truly amazing. The effort that goes into the statements is mind boggling. I think that people in western cultures often take for granted the freedoms we have to speak and create freely. Great post, thanks.
I grew up an army brat and when Google Earth came out, I tried to trace all the places I lived as kid just to make some sense of my history. Interesting enough, several of the places turned out to classified military bases (my dad built bombs) and were blotted out all together or looked like enormous sand traps. Made my childhood even scarier than I remembered.
Great images, thanks again...Gary
Reminds me of this decorating nature work:
When I see something like this, i.e. hiding in plain sight, I can't help but think of steganography.
There's an American artist who does art illusions, usually on an American Indian theme. Her first name is Beth - I can't remember the last name. She has at least one art book out.
Her paintings are all of outdoor scenes. Your second phot of an ermine is very much like her work, except that the animal would be much harder to spot.
Absolutely crazy. I cant even imagine how long that takes!
thank you for this post! those are some pretty interesting shots for a Playboy magazine..
very interesting! thanks for the great research work that went into this.
Thank you for such a fascinating post !
Who remembers the days when Playboy was artistic...
we need to get back to that but a country that does not fund the arts...sadly I do not see it happening any time soon...
Thanks so much it was really good reading it!
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