
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Southern Evangelical Baptisms

Take Me to the Water from Dust-to-Digital on Vimeo.

MANY OF YOU WILL REMEMBER FROM AN EARLIER POST (April 27), the incredible immersion baptism photos shared by author/collector Jim Linderman in his book, Take Me To the Water. Well, now Jim and others at Dust-to-Digital have produced this video about the book and music CD. It’s really well done— and now you can preview some of the authentic and rare music that is available when you purchase the book. Of course, the bonus with this video are the vintage and rare historic river baptisms, just as it was filmed 50 to 75 years ago. It’s just rare and incredible footage.

You can buy the book/CD on Amazon just by clicking here. This is truly a collector’s edition. I have the book and accompanying CD— and I treasure it.


  1. Didn't really get it until I saw this, and it took me back to the Pentacostal church that was near where I lived in Richmond during my college years. Those people seemed to be connected to something I didn't fathom. I was too busy be a groovy hippie to understand.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting, how we grow. I too, was too self-absorbed to appreciate much of what I saw and heard growing up in the South. It wasn't until later in life that I came to appreciate the fact that I was a part of it all— and began to seek it out for deeper understanding.

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