Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surrealist Film From 1923

Le Retour A La Raison
(The Return to Reason) is a short black and white film by Man Ray from 1923. The music was composed and performed by Donald Sosin. This is really an intriguing film—and shows the joy of using a new medium in an entirely different way. Imagine, using nails, odd things hanging from strings, unrelated clips spliced together and other such things put together as a single artistic statement. Sure, it’s naive and awkward to our eyes today. But in 1923, this was new stuff—raw, cutting edge artistic experimentation.


Donald Sosin said...

The music was composed by me, I don't know what you mean by "filmed." I had nothing to do with the filming. I did perform the music for the DVD soundtrack, however.


Robert said...

He meant "performed," Donald. But you knew that.

Best, Robert

John Foster said...

Yes Donald, "performed" was what I meant. I corrected the post. Your music is wonderful.

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