Friday, January 22, 2010

What Were They Thinking?

(Above) My vote for the worst.

I HAVE TO TELL YOU, some of these ads from the 1950s and 60s are so-o wrong, I almost feel bad showing them. Still, I think it is good to see just how far we have come in one lifetime. As for the ads that denigrate women, to think there are still women today who think “equal rights” for women are bad— or that heroes like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinhem were somehow not patriotic Americans.

As for the tobacco companies, they have been censured and fined but they will still look for creative ways to sell their death sticks—if not for Americans, then to the rest of the world.

As for the last image of the pig cutting himself up, just gross.

Via fotosup.


Laura Ottina said...
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Laura Ottina said...

Oh my god! Thanks for sharing such monstruosities.
I always complain about stupid and irresponsible contemporary ads, but these give me a little historical perspective!
My vote goes to "start Cola earlier", but you really have to read the whole text to appreciate how damn awful it is. Laboratory tests with soda drinking babies show they have a better chance of fitting in as teenagers? Some of these mad men were so cunningly evil...

John Foster said...

I know Laura, the copy on that one ad is horrible. And, it by the "Soda Pop Board of America," which as most "associations" and "councils" go are simply sly covers for the manufacturers. Follow the money— and you will get to the truth.

rina said...

oh, these are really bad. I share your opinion on the worst one.

Robert said...

The authentic ads are appalling. But I think the "Start Cola Earlier" ad is a fake. Note that the Coca-Cola script on the bottle is reversed.

Christine H. said...

These are awfully good, emphasis on awful. Also reminds me of an old promotional film I saw for paint fortified with DDT. It showed a woman cheerfully painting a baby crib with it, and her kitchen cabinets, and the screen door. Voila, no bugs!

upfromsumdirt said...

i'm pretty sure my parents put beer in my bottles, so cola just seems lame to me... :D

Professor Estevez said...

Start Cola Earlier is a parody:

carmackart said...

Scary stuff, but the giant prime rib looming on the horizon is... well I'd almost hang that in my house as art.

Anonymous said...

That pig one belongs on
if it isn't already.

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